Update Your InformationProvide your up-to-date contact information so we can effectively communicate with you about happenings at Phi Delta Theta. | VolunteerDo you have interest in working with the chapter as a volunteer or mentor? We’re always looking for alumni to support the chapter. | Search for a BrotherVisit myPhiDelt to utilize our brother search and connect with fellow Phis. |
The Northeast Ohio Alumni Club (NEOAC) connects Phi Delta Theta alumni across Northeast Ohio, regardless of their original chapter affiliation. The club's mission is to live out our promise of "Lifelong brotherhood;" hosting year-round events including the annual Golf Outing, Christmas in July, Founders Day, and First Thursdays. The undergraduate chapter at the University of Akron has a strong partnership with our vast network of alumni, and if you wish to get involved we encourage you to connect with the NEOAC on Facebook and Instagram.